Food Fetching

Food fetching is so personal. I find it fascinating how different we can all be in how we fetch our food. This past weekend, I saw so many people walking towards the farmers market with carts in hand or a basket full of vegetables that were just hand selected from the various vendors at the market. It made me think about how different we all are, not only with what food we chose to prepare, but how we shop.
I shop for groceries three to four days a week. I like to have food on hand at my house, but I like my food to be fresh. I am also one of those people that get a fancy for a food item and want to make it right away! I enjoy food shopping so I like to go to a variety of shops for specific needs.
I like to walk to the grocery store but I don't walk every time. I have to drive to work so I often go to the store at the end of my workday and have my car with me. It has always been important to me to have a store within walking distance. Wherever I have lived I make that a priority.
I love farmers markets. In fact, one of my biggest inspirations for Fer Food is going to the farmers market each week. I find that not only do I receive the freshest produce, but a farmers market helps me to try new things that I wouldn't see at the everyday grocery store.
How do you shop for your groceries? All at once? Every day? Do you keep frozen items for future meals or do you buy things as you need them? Are you one to take the car to the store and pack it full of goodies or do you walk and carry a few bags? Where do you shop? Do you shop local or do you go out of your way to go to the best store you can find? How much do you shop at farmers markets? Do you use the plastic bags that the market offers or do you bring your own container via a basket, cart or tote?
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