Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Comeback Kid

I have found that Butterscotch is the new comeback flavor. National Butterscotch Day was just last week(September 19th). I bought some pudding and made myself up a batch. The taste brought back a lot of memories. If you are from the Mid-West you must remember getting those round, individually wrapped, Brach’s translucent hard candies. What about hot Butterscotch sundaes? I remember sharing Butterscotch Lifesavers with my Grandmother. It was her favorite flavor.

The definition of Butterscotch is: “a type of confectionery made by boiling sugar syrup, butter, cream, and vanilla. In many ways the ingredients for butterscotch is similar to toffee; the major difference is that the sugar is boiled to the soft crack stage for butterscotch and the hard crack stage for toffee”.

Chefs in LA are using this flavor as an idea for new desserts. Here are some I have been reading about: Butterscotch Parfaits, Butterscotch Pot de Crème,Butterscotch Crème Brulee and Traditional Butterscotch Pudding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!! this is one of my favorite things from childhood. Butterscotch pudding was the biggest treat, and those dipped cones from Dairy Queen? I would always choose the butterscotch flavor over anything else. I don't think I've had it in years!

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are wherther's (sic) butterscotch? I love those!! and butterscotch used to be my favorite dilly bar at dairy queen!

2:23 PM  

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